Women In Tech

Women In Tech

Ada Lovelace is widely recognized as the world’s first computer programmer. Born in 1815 as the daughter of the poet Lord Byron, Ada was raised by her mother who enforced an upbringing of logic, science and mathematics. Ada became fascinated with mechanisms, and by 1833, she created the concept of a computing operating system.

At the age of 36, Ada Lovelace died and left a legacy for millions of young women to follow in her path. She’s honored annually on October 16th as a day to celebrate women in tech -- a way to encourage more young girls into science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers.

While I don’t consider myself a “woman in tech”, I tell you her story because I recognize how remarkable it is that I work for Kuvio Creative, a startup tech company, on a marketing team comprised entirely of women. While Kuvio Creative is led by founder Joseph Young, his support in our abilities as PR professionals is refreshing in a world where the wage gap still exists.

I am proud to say that this is one company where both people and ideas are valued. Our role on this small team is to tell the story of Conseris, a product that allows you to gather and share data anywhere. So I wonder what would Ada Lovelace think of this?

My guess: she’d be pretty excited about the endless possibilities Conseris provides people, and it leaves me wondering what we’ll come up with next.

Are you inspired by any women in Tech? Let us know!